Multi-day itineraries

Sentiero Walserweg


Walserweg Graubünden Trail (San Bernardino - Hinterrhein)

This trek is the first stage of the much longer Walserweg Graubünden, part of the Kulturwege Schweiz trail network, which promotes particularly evocative historical trails within the most beautiful natural and cultural landscapes in Switzerland: it is therefore no coincidence that the territory of San Bernardino has also been included within this network.

The trail begins near Island Lake on wide paths within the forest to the dam. Beyond the latter is the opposite shore of the body of water, where a short ascent leads up to Lagh de Doss. The route then passes through the village of San Bernardino and, at the height of the church, turns right in the direction of the Pass. From here begins the steady but not excessively steep climb to the top of the pass. The wide spaces give a view of the entire surrounding area: to the east Piz Uccello dominates the landscape, while on the western side the Piz Zapport ridge and Piz Moesola stand out.
Once at the Pass the terrain becomes more barren: you walk through marshy areas crossing many small lakes, and once you reach the highest point the trail takes an easy downhill turn. Beyond the Tällialp, splendid views of the Rhine forest open up, and once in the vale bottom, we walk the last few steps along the course of the Hinterrhein River until we enter the village.

This route traces the footsteps of the first Walser who left Valais around 1270 and migrated over the Bernardino Pass precisely in the direction of Hinterrhein, a village with an agricultural vocation that is still architecturally well preserved.


Difficulties T3 – Hard


Distance 10 km


Duration 3:30 h


Highest point 2,093 m


Lowest point 1,593 m